Saturday, March 28, 2020

How the Organic Chemistry Tutor Joules to KWh Increases When Demand Drops

How the Organic Chemistry Tutor Joules to KWh Increases When Demand DropsFor those of you wondering, the Organic Chemistry Tutor Joules to KWh, refers to the cost to produce one Joule of energy. The actual value of Joules to KWh is the amount of energy that the unit would consume to become one Joule. The term Joules to KWh is not exclusive to the energy sector; it has been adopted to refer to the cost to produce a Joule of energy from one day's work.This is not a new unit, although it is currently considered to be a higher dimensional version of the SI base unit. The theoretical meaning of the name is as follows: joules per kilowatt hour. Basically, you take the Watts and multiply it by one hundred. The result is Joules per Kilowatt Hour (J/KWh).It is considered that the Joules to KWh increase during times of increased demand for energy. This situation is also referred to as a 'peak demand' because this is the time in which there is a greater number of homes with air conditioning or air-conditioning units running than are being used. During this period of increased demand, the electricity companies must use large amounts of power in order to provide adequate services for the entire nation.Since the price of gas is increasing, it is possible that the price of a given unit of power can increase substantially in times of peak demand. Therefore, the people who buy electricity and fuel from the grid will have to pay a higher price for the same unit of power, so that the companies that provide the supply have more money to cover the increases in costs caused by rising costs of goods and services.Another thing that the rise in the price of fuel will cause is an increase in the amount of the unit of Joules to KWh. The amount of one Joule of energy that will be required to be produced when electricity is sold at the average rate of an American household will increase, while the unit of energy needed to supply air conditioning in the home will decrease.The wholesale pric e of one Joule of energy, in comparison to the average cost of each Watt that is required to generate the same amount of power, will also change. The wholesale price is currently set to decrease, but this is expected to change over time. If the increase in the wholesale price of one Joule of energy is not compensated by an equal increase in the average cost of a Watt, the wholesalers could find themselves having to pass the increased cost on to the consumers.You may wonder if there is a way to make up for the increase in the amount of the unit of Joules to KWh, as the power bill. It is possible but will require a certain amount of demand reduction in order to balance out the decrease in the wholesale price of one unit of energy. Demand reduction is likely to happen over time as energy usage drops off.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Selfies Are Literally Killing People ... Great

Selfies Are Literally Killing People ... Great Some of the more ridiculous, tragic deaths include people falling from mountains, falling into rivers, crashing airplanes (in other words, putting more than just their own lives at stake for the “perfect” selfie) and getting hit by trains. In fact, in more recent news, people have also accidentally shot themselves while taking a selfie with a gun. Again, not joking. So of course, such stupidity warrants expert help, which is why a group of computer experts have analyzed these “deaths-by-selfie” and attempted to create a solution. It’s no surprise that the solution is yet another application for users to install on their phones. The app in question would warn individuals that they are in a “death-by-selfie” zone. I can’t stress how much I wish I was making this up. And to make matters worse, this is an international problem. According to Hemank Lamba, from Carnegie Mellon University and Ponnurangam Kumaraguru from the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology and their colleagues, “We found that most common reason of selfie death was height-related. These involved people falling off buildings or mountains while trying to take dangerous selfies.” They wrote these findings in their report, which they published online at arXiv. What were other reasons for selfie-related deaths? The number two cause was a tie between drowning and being hit by a train. For any of you that commute and pass over train tracks at some point, this probably isn’t much of a surprise, as many individuals stop directly on the tracks in bumper to bumper traffic (in a personal experience, the woman behind me did so while talking on her phone. Luckily for her, no train was coming). Not sure if it’s an obliviousness or an “it can’t happen to me” mentality, but this problem is universal, and it’s a problem. According to Kumaraguru, these deaths were becoming a news report trend, and he and his colleagues wanted to do something about it. He attempted to use data mining in order to come up with his solution. According to him, “It is important because people are losing their lives because of taking dangerous selfies.” So what constitutes a “dangerous selfie”? How about a few examples? For one, there’s the German tourist who was killed in Peru. He attempted to catch himself on top of Macchu Picchu back in July and failed. There’s also five women from India who were taking a selfie in India. One of them died in September when she fell into the reservoir below. The other four died shortly after in their attempts to save her. There’s also the man in Washington, here in the U.S., who was taking selfies with his gun. He pulled the trigger, apparently thinking that it wasn’t loaded, and shot himself. And finally, there’s the man in Colorado that died taking a selfie while flying a plane, killing the other passenger in the plane along with him. I think Kumaraguru sums it up correctly in saying, “These are very disturbing.” So how many selfie deaths have there been? According to Kumaraguru and his team after collating media reports around the world, there have been about 127 reported selfie-related deaths between 2014 and September of this year. So he’s been working tirelessly to help fix the problem. According to him, he and the team have been attempting to develop a software that would warn users about their surroundings. Basically, if the user is in a dangerous area, the app would warn them, or it would turn off their camera in risky areas. According to him, “It could help users make better decisions.” The thought is there, the effort is there, but the probability that these “risk-takers” would download such an app is unlikely. Basically, if people are going to take selfies atop mountains, an app isn’t going to stop them from doing so. Or, more simply, they aren’t looking to be censored in their selfie taking, so they won’t ever download the app. However, the team is hopeful and continues to work for this solution. They are researching the areas where selfie deaths have actually occurred as well as areas where there’s potential for selfie-related deaths and they’re creating algorithms for the risk to selfie-takers. According to them, “We believe that the study can inspire and provide footprints for technologies which can stop users from clicking dangerous selfies, and thus preventing more of such casualties.” Whether or not it works, we’ll have to wait and see.

Learn a Language with Websites 14 Free Sites for Mastering Language Skills

Learn a Language with Websites 14 Free Sites for Mastering Language Skills Learn a Language with Websites: 14 Free Sites for Mastering Language Skills You can calibrate the exact right amount of swing in your hips to look cool while salsa dancing.You can carry so many beer mugs theyre tried to recruit you as a server for Oktoberfest.You can whip up instant ramen in five minutes (less if you dont mind a little crunch).Theres no denying that you have mad skills. But do you have the right language skills?Language proficiency requires much more than vocabulary and grammar alone. To become proficient, youll also need reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.When youre using language learning websites, though, developing a balanced skill set doesnt always come naturally. Thats because learning websites often focus on just one or two skills.So hows a learner supposed to develop well-rounded skills if they dont take a conventional course? The secret is using the right websites!And guess what? Even the right free websites can give you the balanced skills you want and deserve.Just use at least one resource from each skill category to help ensure you develop all the most important language skills. How to Get the Most Out of Learning a Language Through a WebsiteTry several websites.When you can use a website for free, theres no harm in trying several! Plus, testing out a variety of websites can help you find the ones that best match your needs and interests.You might even try all the websites listed below to see which you like best. Once youve tried them all, you can narrow down your usage to just one or two websites per category.View it as your own personal version of The Bachelor, but with significantly less drama (unless you find out one of the websites isnt here for the right reasons).Pay attention to level.Websites can vary quite a bit in level. While some options can accommodate all levels, other websites focus more specifically on beginning, intermediate or advanced learners.Finding a website that works with your level will help you use that website to its maximum effect. Websites that are too advanced ca n be demotivating, while websites that are too easy might not lead to as rapid of progress.Pair multiple websites.Pairing multiple websites gives you a variety of approaches to your target language. Plus, to ensure youve developed all four language skills, pairing multiple websites may be essential.Because each website offers a different approach and different material, you may even find that using a large number of websites makes you even more comfortable with your target language.Aim for balance.Traditional courses focus on balanced skills for a reason! Progressing in your target language requires balance, so aim for balance in your online education, too.Sure, it can be easier to find reading and listening practice than speaking and writing practice, but if you dont work on all your language skills, you might not have those skills when you need them.Take advantage of free trials.Some of the resources on this list are completely free, while others offer free trials. This is an exce llent opportunity to learn for free while testing out a premium learning product you might want to subscribe to down the road.Learn a Language with Websites: 14 Free Sites for Mastering Language SkillsWhile many of these websites focus on multiple skill sets, some are better for certain skills than others.Here are some of the best websites for each language skill. However, if you like a website, be sure to dedicate a little time to it to see if you could use it to develop multiple skills.Language Learning Websites for Listening SkillsEasy LanguagesUnderstanding native speakers isnt always easy for language students, but Easy Languages makes it totally doable.Easy Languages provides videos that show real people using their native language in an everyday context. The videos feature on-the-street interviews with locals, who discuss language, culture and life in general. Not only can these videos help you practice listening to authentic spoken language, they can also give you valuable i nsight into local culture and lifestyles.Videos are available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and many more. You dont even need advanced-level skills to enjoy the material! Videos feature subtitles in the target language and English, and both sets appear simultaneously. This makes it easy to read along in your target language or refer to the English translation if you dont understand the words.If you prefer, you can also access videos through the amazing Easy Languages YouTube Channel.FluentUAvailable: iTunes and AndroidThink about the sort of entertaining videos you watch in English on the regular. What if you could watch those types of videos in your target language? With FluentU, you can!FluentU takes authentic videos, like movie trailers, music videos, news, informational talks and commercials, and converts them into powerful language learning tools. Each video features annotated captions, so you can easily see any words definition, example sentences and an associated image. If you want to study a word more, just add it to your vocabulary list to keep it handy.In addition to terrific video content, FluentU also offer quizzes that fuse videos, images and example sentences into flashcards and interactive activities for practice thats both authentic and engaging. This makes FluentU useful for developing reading and writing skills along with listening abilities.Regardless of your current level, FluentU can accommodate your learning needs and goals. You choose what you watch, how much you watch and how quickly you watch it. Meanwhile, FluentUs algorithm tracks your progress to present you with level-appropriate questions that build on what you already know.Not only can you use FluentU online, you can also use the iOS app or the Android app for on-the-go learning.NetflixAvailable: iTunes and AndroidThats rightâ€"your Netflix addiction can give you next-level listening practice. N etflix offers countless foreign language movies and TV shows, and you can enjoy them all with your existing subscription.Just search the name of your target language with TV or movies to find options. For instance, Spanish TV aficionados can enjoy options like La Casa de Papel (literal translation: The House of Paper; English title: Money Heist). French movie fans can watch Je ne suis pas un homme facile  (I Am Not an Easy Man).Perhaps best of all for language learners, Netflix offers flexible subtitling options. You can enjoy any content with or without English subtitles. For some options (particularly Netflix Originals), you may even be able to add subtitles in your target language so that you can read along as you watch.LanguagePod101Available: iTunes and AndroidLanguagePod101 from Innovative Language is well-known for its language learning material, which focuses on audio podcast lessons.You may know LanguagePod101 better by some of its language-specific options, such as  Spanis hPod101, ChineseClass101 or FrenchPod101. But there are so many more languages than that! LanguagePod101 also offers Bulgarian, Cantonese, Filipino, Finnish, Hindi, Swahili and more.In addition to audio lessons that provide language instruction, LanguagePod101 also frequently offers targeted listening practice.If you dont want to sign up for LanguagePod101, you can also enjoy listening practice through associated YouTube channels, like GermanPod101, ItalianPod101  and  KoreanClass101.For instance, beginning Chinese students might check out the Chinese Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners playlist. Korean students can dive in with several Korean listening playlists, ranging from complete beginner to advanced.Videos and podcasts for listening practice usually focus on common scenarios. Youll hear a dialogue, then be asked to answer a question based on that dialogue, which is great for practicing comprehension.Language Learning Websites for Speaking SkillsitalkiAvailable: iTu nes and AndroidGetting speaking practice can be a little tricky for some learners, but italki makes it easier.Italki allows you to connect with native speakers to practice your language skills. You can filter through potential conversation partners by language, gender, where theyre from, where they live now and whether theyre a native speaker.This makes it easier to connect with someone for mutually beneficial language exchange. You help them practice your language, and in exchange, they help you practice their language.TandemAvailable: iTunes and AndroidTandem is another option for connecting with native speakers. You can use Tandem to find your next language partner or even interact with them directly through the app. You can also set your language levels to let other users know how proficient you are before you connect.Tandem allows you to exchange audio or video calls and text or audio messages. Tandem can even hook you up with text translations in the app if you need a little e xtra support to chat more easily, which makes Tandem a great choice for beginning learners.BilinguaAvailable: iTunes and AndroidBilingua is another language exchange app, but this one has a useful twist. It can propose topics and phrases for you!Some students struggle with speaking practice because they just dont know what to talk about. If this sounds like you, Bilinguas conversation and phrase recommendations can be just the boost you need to start using your language skills.You can communicate with your partner via audio or video, so you can stay in touch even on days youre not camera-ready. Oh yeah, and the apps algorithm matches you with the right partner for you!But what if you need a break from all that speaking practice? Bilingua has a solution for that! You and your conversation partner can play games together for a fun study break.The MixxerThe Mixxer is a free website provided by Dickinson College. The site acts sort of like a dating website but for language exchange part ners. You search profiles to find someone youre interested in speaking with, then both of you hop onto Skype to work a little speaking practice into your language study.If you prefer writing practice, you can also ask your partner to have a look at your writing and correct your work, but well give you some more options for writing practice later.Language Learning Websites for Reading SkillsReadlangReadlang is a powerful tool for reading practice, but it also converts tons of authentic websites into powerful learning tools.Heres why:  Readlang is a downloadable web reader. Once youre using it, you can go to any website in your target language and simply click any word you dont know for an instant translation. Plus, the words you click are saved so that you can practice them with flashcards!If you dont feel up to sourcing your own authentic content to read with Readlang, dont worryâ€"the site has already found some great content to get you started on the right path. Just access Readla ngs library for content suggestions. You can even filter library selections by difficulty level, word count and category (fiction, non-fiction, song, conversation, other) to find the right text for is a free language learning website with a strong focus on text.As such, offers plenty of authentic reading material, like dialogues, short stories and articles. These texts are conveniently organized by level, making it easy to select an option thats appropriate for your current skills.Readings are usually brief, and each reading is accompanied by a set of questions to test your comprehension. Once you complete the questions, the website will even suggest additional texts you might enjoy, making it easy to keep your reading practice going much longer.If you prefer printed exercises, also offers printable PDFs that feature both the reading, the associated questions and the answers to these questions.Lingua offers texts in Czech, Dutch, Englis h, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.Reading A-ZReading A-Z is designed to provide printable material for teachers, but that doesnt mean learners cant use it, too!Just use the Resources drop down menu to look at options in the Spanish More World Languages category.While most material helps you either  learn Spanish or learn French, students studying these languages can find leveled books, authentic books, songs, fiction series, word books and more.Materials are intended for children, so theyre mostly at a beginning level. They offer convenient, approachable reading practice for students who are just starting out.With a free trial, you can download reading materials, lessons on those materials, worksheets and more.Language Learning Websites for Writing SkillsConversation ExchangeConversation Exchange is a website designed to help you meet the language exchange partner of your dreams.And for students looking for writing practice, Conversation Exchange practice h as a huge bonus: You can filter by other users looking for a pen pal relationship. That means you can find other users who are also looking for written correspondence, which is a great way to practice your writing skills with a native speaker.There are over 1,000 users interested in a pen pal relationship who speak German alone, so its safe to assume youll probably be able to find a pen pal who speaks your target language, too!Now, Conversation Exchange isnt just for written correspondence. If you find a partner you connect with, you can also arrange to interact via text, voice or video chat through services like Skype or Google Hangouts. This makes Conversation Exchange useful for learning several language skills!My Language ExchangeIf you want a pen pal relationship to perfect your writing skills, you dont have to sort through users who want speaking practice to to find one. My Language Exchange has a page just for pen pals.My Language Exchange focuses on connecting users for an e mail penpal relationship. Dont know how to do that? Dont worry! My Language Exchange even provides helpful tips  to ensure you and your penpal both get the most out of your relationship.You can browse for pen pals by language or country. An advanced search provides you with an even broader array of criteria, like country, city, age, gender and more.RedditReddit may be your go-to destination to find the latest funny photos or connect with like-minded individuals who are as passionate about your unique interests as you are, but guess what? Reddit can also be an awesome tool for practicing writing in your target language.There are a number of subreddits in foreign languages, so you can snag the writing practice youre looking for. And lets be realâ€"someone will be prepared to correct your grammar. This is the internet, after all.Most of the foreign language subreddits are technically subreddits for foreign countries, so you can practice your Italian on the Italy subreddit, improve your Spanish with the Mexico subreddit  or work on your Portuguese with the Brasil subreddit.Of course, you can also get some authentic reading practice from Reddit, so thats a nice bonus!Dont let your language skills hobble along like a car with three wheels! Use these 14 free websites to develop balanced skills and confidently continue on your journey to fluency.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Hogwarts School of Wizardry

Hogwarts School of Wizardry Hogwarts School of Wizardry The school has numerous charms and spells on and around it that make it impossible for aMuggleto locate it. Muggles cannot see the school; rather, they see only ruins and several warnings of danger.[GFCh.11]The castle has extensive grounds with sloping lawns, flowerbeds and vegetable patches, aloch(called The Black Lake), a large dense forest (called theForbidden Forest), severalgreenhousesand other outbuildings, and a full-sizeQuidditch pitch. There is also an owlery, which houses all the owls owned by the school and those owned by students. Some rooms in the school tend to move around, and so do the stairs in the grand staircase.[12]Witches and wizards cannotApparate or Disapparatein Hogwarts grounds, except when the Headmaster lifts the enchantment, whether only in certain areas or for the entire campus, so as to make the school less vulnerable when it serves the headmaster to allow Apparition.[GFCh.28]Electricity and electronic devices are not found at Hogwarts. InHarry Potter an d the Goblet of Fire, Hermione indicates that due to the high levels of magic, substitutes for magic (that) Muggles use such as computers, radar and electricity go haywire around Hogwarts. Radios however, make an exception. Rowling explains this by saying that the radios are not powered by electricity but by magic. Hogwarts is on the shore of a lake, sometimes called the Black Lake. In that lake aremerpeople,Grindylows, and agiant squid. The giant squid does not attack humans and sometimes acts as alifeguardwhen students are in the lake. Hogwarts is acoeducational, secondaryboarding school, taking children from ages eleven to eighteen.[4]Education at Hogwarts is not compulsory, with some students being home schooled as stated in the seventh book. Rowling initially said there are about one thousand students at Hogwarts.[13]She later suggested around six hundred, while acknowledging that this number was still inconsistent with the small number of people in Harrys year. She further explained that this had resulted from her creating only 40 characters for Harrys year.[14]

John F. Kennedy School

John F. Kennedy School John F. Kennedy School John F. Kennedy School is a bilingual, bicultural, tuition-free public school based in Berlin, Germany. The school offers an integrated elementary and high school program and enrolls more than 1,700 students from a variety of different countries. JFKS has a modern campus with 135 classrooms, nine science labs, three computer labs, two libraries, two gymnasiums and a fine arts center across its six buildings. Situated in Zehlendorf in Southwestern Berlin, the school is conveniently close to bus routes, the S-Bahn, parks and a district shopping area. Upholding high academic standards of both the German and US education systems, JFKS gives students an opportunity to learn through different modes and strategies. Promoting learning as a continuous lifetime process, the balanced curriculum supports student growth in all areas, including fine arts, humanities, languages, sciences, mathematics and sports. In guiding students to understand themselves and the world around them, JFKS fosters independent inquiry, critical thinking, open-mindedness and service to others. The schools curriculum and learning strategies encourage the development of responsible, democratic citizens.

Are There Help For The SAT and ACT?

Are There Help For The SAT and ACT?Students in High School often face the problem of Holt Homework Help. The two main types of classes for preparing for the SAT or ACT are 'regular' classes and 'curriculum' classes. Regular classes are those that you attend on a regular basis and your main priority is to finish the homework.Curriculum classes, on the other hand, are taken as electives that have no definite time limit but still offer tests and resources to study for the SAT or ACT. This type of class often does not offer any help for homework and students can often have difficulty completing them.One of the biggest difficulties that many students face when taking Math or English class is completing the homework. Unfortunately, because most classes last only a few weeks and most schools are overloaded with students, some teachers give little or no attention to the students that need it most. That is why homework help for math and English is so important for students who have problems c ompleting their homework.It's easy to get tempted to ask your parents or even tutor for help. However, unless you can find the help yourself, your homework will never be finished. If you are in high school, make sure that your parents don't request help or advice from you if you can get it from an outside source.Even if your parents don't ask you for help with Math or English, you can find a number of websites that offer tutoring. These online tutors often have classes for math and English, but also a section where they can offer help for other subjects as well. You can find these tutors in your neighborhood or on the Internet.When you find help through tutors, make sure that you are able to find time to meet with the tutor and discuss the subject. Sometimes, tutors might just ask you to complete a short homework assignment on the spot or they might require you to take a test or they might not have a list of sources and instructions to help you complete the assignments.All of this i nformation will help you make sure that you complete your Math or English homework by the end of the semester. If you aren't sure how to get help with Math or English homework, do your research online and talk to your parents about where you should go for help. With the right homework help, you can help yourself to a successful High School.

Unit Conversion Chemistry

Unit Conversion ChemistryUnit conversion chemistry is all about converting from one unit of measurement to another. For example, if you want to measure in grams of water instead of milliliters, this could be accomplished by the following steps: drop the unit on the meter and read the difference between the number and the milliliters and then add the amount that was dropped to the quantity that was read. The results of this will equate to the weight of the water.Once you know how to do a conversion, you should think about doing the conversions for other units. For example, you may need to convert your time units to metric time (or vice versa) for scientific purposes. Then you might have to convert your yardage to distance on a map. These are all types of conversions that can be done by unit conversion chemistry.If you have a lot of units to learn, like gallons, and are a science student, this can become a bit confusing. A good guide to help you convert these different units to the sim ple units is called the base conversion. This is a simple method for converting from one unit to another without the use of any other units.This method is not very accurate, but it does save you the trouble of having to convert the units to another unit in the end. By using the base conversion method, you get back all the units of measurement that you were originally using in the first place.The other reason to use this method is that if you have a lot of conversions, it is easy to remember the ones that you need. For example, if you wanted to convert the horsepower to kilograms, then you can just recall using the one-hundred thousand horsepower and not go and buy another unit of measurement.Another advantage of the base conversion method is that it is a simple one-step process. It only requires that you drop the units that you are converting onto the meter and that you add the ones that were dropped. Then you simply look up the figures from that and convert the one to the other.The re are many more uses for unit conversion chemistry that you can use as you progress through your education. This is one of the more popular methods for getting around with an easier way to convert from one unit to another.

How To Improve Your GMAT Score

How To Improve Your GMAT Score The GMAT is for admissions into business schools, and the GRE is for grad schools thats a major distinction. The GMAT is designed to determine if you can take the next academic step toward business school, and ultimately if you can handle it. If youre looking for GRE help, see more from Varsity Tutors onhow to improve your GRE score. Learning the ins and outs of the GMAT is a monster task. That is why we recommend working with a private tutor to have him/her guide you through the strategies of acing it. GMAT background:The GMAT is a computer-adaptive exam, scored between 200-800 with the average score around 400-600. Overall, it has four sections. The Quantitative/Verbal sections range between 0-60 and determine your 200-800 score. The Analytical Writing has one essay scored 0-6, and most students score around a 4.4. The Integrated Reasoning section is scored 1-8. The writing/reasoning sections do not impact your 200-800 score. Understanding the computer-adaptive test:Youre not scored on the number of questions you answer correctly, but rather the scoring bracket youre placed in. If you keep answering questions correctly, you will be placed in a higher scoring bracket with more difficult questions and vice versa. For example, you will start with an average difficulty question (around 550). If you answer it correctly, youll bounce up to a higher scoring bracket (maybe 600-650). Now, if you get that right, youll bounce even higher, but not quite as much (maybe 650-670). Then, with another correct answer, youll move up to 680-720. Now, if you get your 720 question wrong, youll drop your level a bit (maybe to a 700). Then, if you get that right, back up. This pattern will continue throughout the section. Typically, most students plateau out and get one question right, one wrong. The test can then pinpoint your exact score. This is generally how the test works, but no one knows the exact GMAT algorithm. The swings in difficulty level and scoring brackets are much more drastic during the first 10 questions. But, doing well on the first 10 questions will not necessarily lock you into a high scoring bracket, and you can still earn a high score if you do poorly. GMAT prep book:Welcome to your new best friend. This should be your first step in preparing to take on the GMAT, as a good book will introduce you to test strategies, test questions and provide full-length practice tests. Its best to read through or skim through the book before jumping into practice tests. Read the background and general tips sections; then once you feel comfortable with those, move on to practice tests. Practice tests:Taking practice tests can be the most effective way to raise your GMAT score, if you take them right. With your first few practice tests, try not to worry about your scores they will improve eventually. Its important to identify your pace and weaknesses, and then the next step is to improve in your weak areas. One-on-one GMAT tutor:Improving in your problematic areas is the most difficult step in the GMAT process, and it is key to improving your score. A private GMAT tutor can go beyond the explanation in any class or book you use to give you the in-depth learning and explanation you need to master your weaker areas. Then, you can fine tune your other skills and improve your pace. Once you complete this area, the rest of your GMAT prep is so much easier. Mimic test settings:Your brain works best with consistency. So study for the test in the exact same scenario you will take it in. Study in 4-hour increments in a public place on a computer, like a library or coffee shop because your brain needs to get used to thinking with other people around. Take only two, 8-minute breaks exactly as the test offers. The administrators used to let students prepare in the actual test center; however, they no longer do that. Pay attention to time:As you take your practice tests. Highlight or star any question that take a bit longer than the others. Add these types of questions to your problematic areas to review with your tutor. The best way to improve your time is taking practice tests over and over and over again. You dont always need to time yourself. Sometimes its best to just work through problems. This will help pound answers and strategies into your brain, allowing you improve your time, which can be the difference between a 600 and a 650. Always finish the section:Its much better to finish the test than it is to make sure you correctly answer every question. There is even a penalty for not finishing a section, which some estimate to be as high as 30-50 points, and you can be penalized for rapidly answering the last few questions. You have about 2 minutes for each Quantitative question and under 2 minutes for each Verbal question. So, if you find yourself spending more than 3 minutes on a question (and you have not been getting through others under 2 minutes), guess and move on. Show your work:Not to be your 4thgrade math teacher, but you will be amazed at how many fewer careless mistakes you make when you show your work. It may be tedious, but it can improve your score. Break down the GMAT:Dont try to tackle the whole test at once. Instead, work on each section one-by-one; then do an entire review.

What do you do when youre mentally depleted - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / What do you do when youre mentally depleted - Introvert Whisperer What do you do when youre mentally depleted? I am at a point where I’ve got a number of things either completed or launched and in someone else’s hands.  I’ve feel oddly unclear what the next thing is that I should do.  My “busy-ness” is in a slow down and that just doesn’t feel right.   Ever get that way?   It makes me think I’m missing some big glaring thing to do, which will bite me any minute for being inattentive. What to do? I took a break and did a puzzle.  Sometimes completely changing what you’re doing by changing your pace, your location and even the nature of what you’re doing can do wonders for your work.  That’s why there are weekends off and vacations.  We need to change what and how we work in order for us to stay energized and interested. The deal is; we aren’t always in a position of taking a vacation or launching into a weekend.  That means you need to find things you can do periodically to recharge your creativity or motivation by mentally stepping away from your usual, daily mode.  Give yourself a 15-minute vacation. I worked with a gal who left work every day at lunch.  She didn’t always go out to eat.  Sometimes she would pick up dry cleaning or run an errand.  When we talked about her lunchtime, she explained that lunchtime was her sacred time.  She had to step out of the work environment and do something completely different.  This allowed her to restore her energy and helped to sustain her good mood. If you’re mentally depleted, lacking creativity or feeling anything but motivated, start by stepping away from your work.  Go outside and take a walk.  You pick what works for you but we all need to mix things up sometimes to get the most out of that big, hefty brain. Go to top Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will?  If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer